Ab-initio Calculations of Magnetic Interfaces

Fe/MgO-interfaces in magnetic multilayer structures are of great importance in magnetic material science with regard to promising applications and devices. In our present investigation we are looking at basic properties of Fe/MgO-slab geometries.

Illustration of MgO and Fe unit cells.

Within a systematic study we investigated the effect of altering the Fe-layer thickness on quantities like layer-resolved magnetic moments, charge distributions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy. We made use of the SIESTA package which is based on density functional theory (DFT) and utilizes pseudo potentials and localized atomic orbitals as basis set. Our DFT-based calculations were performed within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange correlation potential. Typical calculations included the construction of the system under study and its relaxation to find the final atomic coordinates. Subsequent, information about energies, atomic magnetic moments and charges could be obtained directly from the SIESTA output. In particular, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy which is an important quantity regarding magnetic data storage devices could be calculated as well.

Representative publication:

Thomas Bose
Research Fellow in Collective Behaviour

My current research interests include decision making and behaviour in natural and artificial systems. Previously, I also worked on other biological and physical systems applying methods of Statistical Physics.