In this paper we study how decisions can be affected by varying frequencies and magnitudes of a perceptual stimulus in a simulated binary choice task. As a result we find that reaction time distributions may resemble the periodicity of the external stimulus. The article is fully open access.
T. Bose, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall, Compuational Brain & Behavior (2019, Online First)
This paper studies a model animal choosing between different food sources in an ongoing decision-making process. The decision-making circuit regulating the response is implemented via a generic neural hardware motif. Nonlinearities in the circuit influence the behaviour of the model animal. We find the unexpected result that inherent oscillations of neuronal activity may enhance decision-making performance.
T. Bose, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall, Neural Computation 31: 870-896 (2019)